
35-Miss Reader

Here Lillian is reading a book. She is concentrating really hard on her words, as you can see.
She's a really great reader, too.


33-Sea Creature Urchin

This guy used to be twice his size but his spines were eaten by a puffer fish who then died from eating the spines.
The next day the Urchin had climed atop the puffer as if to say "Take that!"


33-Smelly Cat what are they

Feeding you?

This is our very large very happy very beautiful, Kimba.
As you can see here, she has made a bed from a backpack. She is nice and toasty and cute.


This is a picture of my son growing up way to fast. He's the second set of little legs on the opposite side.

Grandaddy, you will be missed.

31-Blue Jay

This present was left for me infront of my care the other day. A pretty decapitated blue jay.


30-Pot Pie

This is a lovely creation made by me! I cannot wait to taste it. Its a homemade pot pie.

This creation was specifically made for my lovely husband!


29-Dog Boys

Are they dogs or boys? Well that's easy! They're dog boys!

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28-bruised finger tips

I need new lancets as you can see by the small bruises on my finger tips. They are so sore!

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27-picture war.

Here is Scotty taking pictures of me taking pictures of him. So cute.

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Here is my stack of ones. There is a ten and two fives. But man…I get a whole stack each time I work. I think its funny paying for stuff with a bunch of ones. So far, I really like being a waitress.

25-walkin' to work

Here is my lovely scenery. This is down town Manti. Very small. Lol really neat old buildings.


24-Pinewood Derby

Jeran made this car basically on his. Own. Its a cute car. He is very proud of himself and his efforts.
He didn't win but, he did it by himself!



We come here weekly. Probably 2-3 times per week. Today, just today, I noticed this second staircase with the big sign that says Library. Haha that's awesome.

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I've got nothing else so y'all get me. I plucked these babies tonight
Lookin good Mama!



This was the sky this morning on the way to school. It was at about 7:30am. I'm used to seeing this pink orange sky at night not the morning. Beautiful.


20-Step Twenty!

My twentieth post and my twentieth stocking step! Wahoo two miles stones in one night.
This stocking will take plenty more hours and plenty more love. I believe my blog will also take up a lot more time. Yay for twenty!
Wish me luck-on both!

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To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit www.verizonwireless.com/picture.

Note: To play video messages sent to email, Quicktime@ 6.5 or higher is required.



We are playing cards and this is what he does. He text messages the whole time.
Put the phone down. Step away from the phone!

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To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit www.verizonwireless.com/picture.

Note: To play video messages sent to email, Quicktime@ 6.5 or higher is required.


18-Proof Mcdonalds loves me.

They give me heart shaped nuggets. They do love me. <3


18-Winter Play

Scott got back from Illinois today. When we got home the kids couldn't contain their excitement. That and they're itching to play outside. Here's the kids and the dog playing on our side yard.
They are very happy to be playing outside and to have Dad home.


17-Bucilla Stockings

This year I am making stockings for the family. They're so detailed and crafty. I however, am not. What you see here has taken me hours.
I am making 5 to be done by December 1. Here is the first one. I went online today and found some I like no, love more than the kits I have. So I am not sure who this one will be for as it was for Lillian and she's getting either a Teddy bear ballerina or Christmas princess stocking. Morgan is getting a sugar plum fairy and Jeran is getting a crusin' Santa.
Pictures to be posted as progress is made. :)

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To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit www.verizonwireless.com/picture.

Note: To play video messages sent to email, Quicktime@ 6.5 or higher is required.


16-Family Favorite

Can't ever go wrong with homemade mini pizzas!

16-Family Favorite

Can't ever go wrong with homemade mini pizzas!

15-My addiction

I'm sad to report that I did not in fact kick this diabetic habit. My draw to the needle just doesn't end.
On a side note, it has been approximately 4 months prior to my most recent injections. I think my cold has triggered my high glucose levels. Back to this expensive habit I go!



This is for sure a riot! We LOVE playing farkle party. Sometimes its rather trying with kids but its fun nonetheless.

The game comes with 6 different cups and dice, all different colors.

You should go get this game and play with your family! Great game. :]

13-MY little pet shop

These little pals overrule my house! They are so cute. I reallly wish we had them when I was growing up. I love the variety of them and the accessories.
Morgan is waiting for a limited edition Elephant. Did I mention I step on them all the time?
Yeah, I do.



Here are my beauty queens in Moms high heel shoes. Lillian in polka dot and Morgan in black.


11-peanutbutter banana time!

I've been craving this sammich for weeks! You take two toasted slices of bread slap peanutbutter on each side and cover oner side with bananas! Delish…now this is the Julie way.
Here is the Elvis way. Yes, ladies and gents. This right here is a mock version of the Kings favorite sandwich! To make the kings this is how we do:
Peanutbutter one or both slices of bread. Mash one banana and cover one slice. Slap together and butter the outside of each slice. Turn on your burner and brown each side (I'd personally use a skillet) toast the sucker and you got a yummy sammich.
Thank you very much.



Forget book worm I have a book kitty! This woman cannot resist a good book. Whenever there is an opened book and a lap, she is all over it.

Here is Kimba and our good friend, Marianne. Kimba never gets on our guests laps but here she did.

So cute!



As you can see, this picture was taken when the car was off. I've spent 90% of my day driving. I'm exhausted. Well, today is over. Thankfully.

My husband lost his Grandfather this morning. Please include him in your prayers.


8-Coffee & Book

Today, since this weekend rather, has been torture. I couldn't be more stressed or on the verge of exploding. So with great happiness I drink this days events away…with Coffee. ;) good bye manic Monday.

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To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit www.verizonwireless.com/picture.

Note: To play video messages sent to email, Quicktime@ 6.5 or higher is required.



Yay! I'm so happy to be posting this. Hubby and I finally got 90% of our decor hung up. We have a few small pieces (or large) that need to he set up. Here is one of my favorites…cute shelf with containers. Ah!

Thanks hubby!


6-Dads Birthday!

Tonight we celebrated my Dads Birthday by doing it the only way you can in Utah. Chuck-A-Rama. Kids love it and who doesn't enjoy a buffet of food?

Happy Birthday, Dad!


5-BlackBerry Cell phone

This puppy is my life line. Without my phone I wouldn't be internet connected. But it is with great sacrifice and complication that I pay.
I've gone through why? 5 of these phones since October? I don't know exactly but I do know that its been a pain in the butt!
But rest assured, I've got another new one and so far…so good! So, here is my big black dysfunctional beauty.
Her name is, Olive. Welcome to the dmily' Olive.


4 Mutant Cookies

I just cannot figure it out! I make these cookies ALL the time they're a crowd pleaser. Well, the last two times I've made them they've turned out way weird. They cook up kinda greasy and flat. I've looked over all the ingredients even cross referenced the recipe. They're just not working right!
So, if you can figure out what the problem is…im all ears!


Day 3-Blue pills

This whole post is dedicated to these babies! A week ago I had some (not so pretty) dental surgery done. Well, surprise surprise! My mouth got hella infected and the original (another big surprise) antibiotics didn't even touch it. I guess 3 months of being on heavy antibiotics will do that to ya. I've built up an immunity to the weak crap.

Well, these blue beauties did the trick! I can now open my mouth more and am off the pain killers.

Thanks super strong 2 pills 3 times per day super human antibiotics.


Number two-these boots

If you have seen me this winter chances are good, no great, that I was/am wearing these boots. I happened on these gems by sheer accident. I was headed to the great state of Washington and HAD to have new boots. This was about ten minutes before I was due to leave. So I quickly ran into Ross and seconds later came out with these babies. Miss marked as a size 4. My boots cost be ten bucks. Granted they are slippery on snow and require an extra layer of socks. But really? Can you beat ten bucks for an amazing pair of boots? My answer is a resounding NO!

on a side note…my BlackBerry has decided that it will not only post pictures wrong but, post them that way. So I will do my best to NOT take side angled pictures unless intentional.


Day 1 Picture 1

It seems appropriate that my story begins here. This is our beautiful home. We moved here in November of 2009. We moved from our prior residence of 3 months because we fell in love with this place. I am currently a stay-at-home-mom with mixed emotions (later post). So we've lived here for a few months and LOVE it. So it is with further ado that I bring my project 365 directly from my house to you! Enjoy.

Please excuse this mess…

As of right now I am experiencing technical difficulties. Last night I registered this blog and my phone number to coincide with one another. As of right now my blog isn't allowing me to post via mobile communications. So it is with great sadness that I leave you without updates. Until next time!
